
Technology represents acquired knowledge of the colony. It can be used to unlock 3 categories of upgrades:

  1. New buildings.
  2. New recipes.
  3. Player tools.

Improving technology is fairly straightforward:

  1. Select a technology choice whose prerequiste technologies have already been researched.
  2. Produce tech points of the appropriate varieties until the technology is paid for.

Acquiring technology points

Emergence leans directly on genre conventions for technology research. There are several varieties of technology points. These are produced via a research recipe, which is crafted at a specific research building using research ingredients. When the recipe is complete, tech points of the correct variety will be supplied. These recipes cannot be crafted if there is no use for the tech points.

We diverge from base Factorio in several ways however:

  • each variety of science requires a unique research building
  • research recipes can have other crafting requirements, such as requiring workers, only being able to be performed in the dark, or needing cold temperatures
  • research buildings are sometime reused to craft other recipes

Building and recipes

These make up the majority of the technology upgrades. Each of these upgrades either:

  • unlocks a useful end product or structure, and any new recipe needed to create it
  • provide an alternative way to create an already useful good

Critically, new recipes are never unlocked without a use. This avoids "dead" upgrades, and encourages players to immediately play with the research they unlocked.

Player tools

Several categories of upgrade belong here:

Types of Technology

Technology is split into several variants in order to provide more diverse resource sinks and gate technology behind mastery of prerequisite systems. Each variety presents a puzzle that teaches a lesson about an area of the game through the ingredients required and the crafting requirements of the research recipe.

Some technologies may require multiple distinct varieties of research, and may depend on research from other trees.

Food Research

Uses: unlock new meals, and more efficient ways to store and process food.

Ingredients: mushrooms and fruit

Recipe building: kitchen

Crafting conditions: 1 worker

Lessons: generate a surplus production of food.

Agricultural Research

Uses: unlock domestication and guided evolution, improve agricultural production

Ingredients: compost, seeds and water

Recipe building: research station

Crafting conditions: bright sun, 1 worker

Lessons: learn how to create basic resources for agriculture

Construction Research

Uses: unlock new buildings, building materials and terraforming

Ingredients: dirt, wood and adhesive

Recipe building: workbench

Crafting conditions: 1 worker

Lessons: sustainable production of mid-tier building ingredients

Logistic Research

Uses: unlock better ways to move goods and units around

Ingredients: daub and rope

Recipe building: manufactory

Crafting conditions: 3 workers

Lessons: assemble goods from a more complex production chain

Pure Research

Uses: unlock overlays and other informational / QoL upgrades

Ingredients: anything, but with a hard cap for each item type

Recipe building: playground

Crafting conditions: 1 worker

Lessons: try out new things!