Raw Resources

These are the simple, fundamental materials that intermediate and end products are made of. Raw resources cannot be derived from another raw resources: they are "elemental" in that way. The total amount of each raw resource (other than water and energy) is conserved at each resource processing step.

Different areas of the map will have different quantities of each resource to begin with.


Resources that should be added in an MVP demo.


Acquisition: It comes from the sun.

Uses: Used by plants to capture energy, and provide calories to entire colony.

Handling properties: Cannot be tranported. Blocked by shade.

Storage properties: Cannot be stored.

Path to renewability: The sun really does just keep burning.

Downsides of excess: Heat, sun scorch of plants.


Acquisition: Gather from lakes, rivers, soil and rain.

Uses: Essential for sustenance of all life. One of the primary transport mechanics of goods.

Handling properties: Sinks into soil. Flows downstream. Cannot be carried directly, as it is a fluid.

Storage properties: Evaporates over time.

Path to renewability: Rainfall, incoming streams.

Downsides of excess: Washes away goods. Drowns structures over time.


Planned to split into sand/silt/clay/organic matter after the MVP.

Acquisition: Dig up the ground.

Uses: Build simple structures. Grow plants and fungi.

Handling properties: Solid object.

Storage properties: Solid object.

Path to renewability: Filter particles out of streams from outside of map.

Downsides of excess: Piles up cluttering movement.


May split into igneous/sedimentary/metamorphic rock if enough distinct uses arise.

Acquisition: Dig up the ground.

Uses: Build more durable structures.

Handling properties: Solid object.

Storage properties: Solid object.

Path to renewability: Mines.

Downsides of excess: Piles up cluttering movement.


Planned to split into at least nitrogen and phosphorus after the MVP.

Acquisition: Found in soil. Can be recycled.

Uses: Essential for growing organisms.

Handling properties: Solid object.

Storage properties: If left on ground, will be absorbed by soil.

Path to renewability: Recycling.

Downsides of excess: Nutrient toxicity stunts plant growth.


Nutrients - Nitrogen

Acquisition: Found in soil, nitrogen fixing organisms.

Uses: Essential for vegetative growth.

Handling properties: Solid, but water soluble.

Storage properties: Water will wash away. Fire / explosion risk?

Path to renewability: Nitrogen fixation.

Downsides of excess: Nutrient toxicity stunts plant growth.

Nutrients - Phosphorus

Acquisition: Found in soil.

Uses: Essential for fruiting and more advanced growth options.

Handling properties: Solid.

Storage properties: Solid.

Path to renewability: Mining.

Downsides of excess: Nutrient toxicity stunts plant growth.

Dirt - Sand

Acquisition: Dig up the ground.

Uses: Dirt with high drainage, poor water retention.

Handling properties: Solid object.

Storage properties: Solid object.

Path to renewability: Filter particles out of streams from outside of map.

Downsides of excess: Piles up cluttering movement.

Dirt - Silt

Acquisition: Dig up the ground.

Uses: Dirt with moderate drainage, moderate water retention.

Handling properties: Solid object.

Storage properties: Solid object.

Path to renewability: Filter particles out of streams from outside of map.

Downsides of excess: Piles up cluttering movement.

Dirt - Clay

Acquisition: Dig up the ground.

Uses: Dirt with poor drainage, high water retention.

Handling properties: Solid object.

Storage properties: Solid object.

Path to renewability: Filter particles out of streams from outside of map.

Downsides of excess: Piles up cluttering movement.

Dirt - Organic Matter

Acquisition: Decompose plants.

Uses: Dirt with high drainage, good water retention.

Handling properties: Solid object.

Storage properties: Solid object.

Path to renewability: Grow more plants.

Downsides of excess: Piles up cluttering movement.


Nutrients - Potassium

Acquisition: Found in soil.

Uses: Used heavily for transport and signalling structures.

Handling properties: Solid, but water soluble.

Storage properties: Water will wash away.

Path to renewability: Mining.

Downsides of excess: Nutrient toxicity stunts plant growth.




Stone - Sedimentary

Stone - Igneous

Stone - Metamorphic