Player Actions

Emergence uses an indirect, "god style" interaction paradigm common to colony sims. You do not have a player avatar, nor can you directly order units to move as in Real Time Strategy games.

Players have several actions at their disposal. Generally, they must first use their selection tools to select an organism, tile, building or group thereof.

Then, they can use a handful of tools to alter the game world directly:

  • zoning, which control which structures should be in which location
  • terraforming, which controls the height of each tile and the soil composition of each voxel
  • recipe selection, which changes what buildings are producing
  • signal configuration, which modifies the signal production and preferences of a strain

Players also have some options that are simply used to control the information being displayed:

  • selection details
  • camera control
  • map
    • notes
  • overlays
  • recipe lookup
  • simulation sandbox
  • encyclopedia

Finally, the player can engage in research to enhance or unlock new options.